- Charming time-management game.
- Pick your employees.
- Care for cute babies!
- OS : 10.4
- CPU : 1.6 GHz
- Memory : 512
- Hard driver (MB) : 20
Anmeldelse af spillet: Børnehave
Omsorg for børn er en leg, ikke? Mød Mila, den super søde ejer af den Børnehave, dagpleje. Hjælpe hende med at begynde med en sød baby derefter vokse sin virksomhed til en ultra baby-boom. Holde de små glade ved at opfylde deres behov i form af sult, søvn, ble skiftende, frikvarter, og opkast-fri zoner. Den sociale bedømmelse viser din popularitet hos forældrene i denne boblende tid-forvaltning spillet. Er du den næste børnehave ejeren i høj efterspørgsel?
Hvor kvik er du? Afprøv dig selv i disse arkade- og actionspil.
4256 Point
(udsigt: 217)
KRÆVER Windows/MacOS
Alder: 3 ÅR OG OPSpil Beskrivelse:
Du kan have passet til en baby en gang eller to gange i dit liv, men du kan køre en hel børnehave? Prøv det i denne nuttede time management spil.
AFERON - BigFishGames
this game was so good i got so caught up with it and it was anime it looked like it but if you want scary hidden objects games don't even get me started on puppet show but anyway i really liked that game so i'm giving it all exellent because it was a very good game
if I was 10 years old I would love this game..nothing more to say
It was fun but really hard!!!!
it was really fun but I wish there was more upgrades also when I bought a lot of upgrades the game was getting easier but I still Loved it :D I wanted more upgrades because the game was getting boring
I love the idea of this game, but you run out of upgrades to buy by week 6 and it seems to go one for much longer. I'm on week 12. there is also not an overall goal for which to work. Also, you don't know what time it is, the clock just goes around and around. When you finish it almost always says you're better than this - even though you took care of all the babies. Not sure what more they want. Maybe there are more upgrades if you achieve something higher. There is no "score" to tell you. Also there is a bug in week 11 where the teacher disappears.
This game would probably only be hard for my 3 year old, who can barely understand how to use a mouse, but most others would not find any challenge in this game.
I love time management games, and bought this when it was on sale. Now I wish I hadn't. The controls are really bad. You can't carry two things at once, and often mouse clicks don't register, so you end up carrying the baby around and dashing around the room because the game didn't catch that you wanted to put the baby down first. So a lot of times, I ended up carrying the baby (when I intended to put him down#, walking to the bottle warmer and back without picking up the bottle because you can't carry a baby and a bottle at the same time. Then I'd have to try again, making sure to put the baby down first, then get the bottle for the baby. By the time I'd done this, both babies were screaming because I took too long. If my mouse clicks had registered the first time #or if I was able to carry two things at once), it would have been fine. This happened over and over until I finally quit playing because it was too annoying. Diaper Dash was a much better game if you want to play a daycare TM.
Our 3 yr old grand daughter loves this game. She plays it all the time. very cute, I can't stay interested, I bought it for her not me.