Santa ' s Super Venner
- Fun, fast-paced levels.
- Collect tree ornaments.
- Great Christmas music.
- OS : 10.4, 10.5 (recommended)
- CPU : 1.83GHz
- Memory : 512
Anmeldelse af spillet: Santa ' s Super Venner
Find ud af, hvem Mr. Stink er, og hvorfor han ville stjæle alle legetøj lige før Jul. Som du gøre din vej fra Candy Cane Cove at Santa ' s Workshop, vil du opfylde nogle Super Venner undervejs, ligesom Gingerbread Jr og Edmund Elf. De vil give dig information om Mr. Stink til at hjælpe dig med at få legetøj tilbage! Med 60 gradvist sværere niveauer af spil, 3 niveauer at vælge imellem, og selv dit helt eget juletræ, pynt til at indsamle vil du øjeblikkeligt blive hooked!
Hvor kvik er du? Afprøv dig selv i disse arkade- og actionspil.
4789 Point
(udsigt: 123)
KRÆVER Windows/MacOS
Alder: 3 ÅR OG OPSpil Beskrivelse:
Mr. Stink stjal alle de legetøj. Hjælp Santa ' s SuperFriends gøre nok legetøj for alle de gode piger og drenge!
AFERON - BigFishGames
Made the mistake of buying this game and only play it for a short time before I was bored silly. Have never played it again. It's repetitious to the point of boredom. My mistake for not trying it out first.
I only finished about half of the trial. It was an endless series of piecing together teddy bears and then monkeys. The graphics are cute and colorful. But it got tedious level after level. Kids would probably enjoy this, but I don't know for how long, since the game didn't change much within the first 10 levels.