- Gripping gameplay
- Immersive atmosphere
- Stop the Cult of the Birdman!
- OS : 10.4
- CPU : 1.0 GHz
- Memory : 256
- Hard driver (MB) : 50
Anmeldelse af spillet: Tonga
Stop den onde Cult of the Birdman i Tonga! Forhindre, at the Cult of the Birdman fra at stjæle viden om sten-skæring og holde Moai fra at blive væltet i Tonga! For at hjælpe dig i din søgen efter den sten, bygmestrene har indkaldt de fire elementer til at hjælpe, mens du tackler de udskårne sten tabletter, som tester viden og holde det i live, for de kommende generationer. Forhindre en all out war i dette sjove og spændende Match 3 spil!
Hvor kvik er du? Afprøv dig selv i disse arkade- og actionspil.
4405 Point
(udsigt: 95)
KRÆVER Windows/MacOS
Alder: 3 ÅR OG OPSpil Beskrivelse:
Forhindre, at the Cult of the Birdman fra at stjæle viden om sten-skæring og holde Moai fra at blive væltet i Tonga!
AFERON - BigFishGames
I enjoy marble popper games, but I'm not particularly good at them, so need to work quite hard - I haven't yet made it all the way through even the easy levels of this game, after several attempts! The physics of this game is (are?) not as realistic as in Bubble Snooker, but it's pretty easy to allow for this and Tonga is more fun, more varied and less frustrating than Bubble Snooker. The look of the game is very good but I find the 'music' very repetitive - so I turn it off. All in all, an unusual game but one I find quite addictive. It can be a real thief of time - hence 4 rather than 5 stars!
I am pleasantly surprised, normally I download a game and uninstall straight away. But Tonga is great, I am defiantly upgrading ot the full price version. I found it very relaxing to play and the controls are easy to use. Loads of fun. And I love the look of the game and i find myself humming the game music. I am especially enjoying the twist of static balls the use of angles and the physics of collision. Very well done!