Undead Tidender
- 96 levels
- 4 unique environments
- Collect exciting power-ups
- OS : 10.8/10.7/10.6/10.5
- CPU : 1.0 GHz (INTEL ONLY)
- Memory : 512
- Hard driver (MB) : 25
Anmeldelse af spillet: Undead Tidender
Santa ' s frække listen er blevet lækket, og den Afskyelige Snemand har lavet listen. Med sårede følelser og stigende frygt for ikke at få nogen gaver, han har indkaldt en tosset pack af udøde nisser, rensdyr, snemænd og andre farverige figurer til at slå tilbage og hente gaver. Du skal holde den undead fra at spise præsenterer faldet fra julemandens kane, som du arbejder dig igennem de mange kvarterer af Nordpolen. Få klar til en battle royale i dette sjove og meget spændende spil!
Hvor kvik er du? Afprøv dig selv i disse arkade- og actionspil.
3556 Point
(udsigt: 83)
KRÆVER Windows/MacOS
Alder: 3 ÅR OG OPSpil Beskrivelse:
Stop de udøde fra at ødelægge ferien med denne snebold mash-up af et spil!
AFERON - BigFishGames
This was a mix between asteroids, duck hunt and elf bowling. You gather and roll snowballs and try to hit side-winding targets (elves, deer, etc) as they scroll across the screen and advance forward to try to eat your christmas presents. Object: hit them off the screen before they get your presents. It's a simple game. The game play I found to be smooth but a little unpolished in the graphics. This is not my sort of game so I really can't say I recommend it or not. I had hoped it was more a bowling game.
Could not finish the demo. Just a stupid game. There are so many high tech games out there...this one feels like from the ancient times. Do not waste your time.
Totally agree with the other reviews. Nothing to this game. I lasted 8 mins before quitting
I didn't hold 3 minutes....too bad
Well @texfrog, I lasted a grand total of 7 minutes. Believe me, I sure don't feel like a better person. Absolutely pointless.
i played for six minutes before i deleted it. the controls weren't responsive, the game was the same level after level, the graphics and sound poor at best. all you do is 'bowl'snowballs at approaching creatures and hopping reindeer. the mouse requires more than one click most of the time which makes it annoying. each level was the same thing. boring.
I found this game very boring after 3 games..... It is the same thing over and over again.....
When I saw that no one else had reviewed this game, I figured, "Well, it can't be *that* bad." Wrong. This game is, in a nutshell, dumb. Very, very dumb. And boring. Very, very boring. Go ahead and try it so you can have an opinion too. If you last past 3 minutes, you are a better person than I.
i must be crazy because i enjoyed playing for the hour....... its harder to play than you think.......it became very nerve racking cause i would get killed and have to start over........ would i play it again no because i would have to take a nerve pill.....i think kids would like it
This game might have been charming 20 years ago. The whole premise is basically a rehash of Space Invaders. Has all of the gameplay quality of a low-end free-to-play on-line flash game. Cannot see how this got greenlighted to go on BigFish. The gameplay is totally unsuited to the customer base, and the game quality, production values and polish are well below what one expects from BigFish. Total dud. Don't waste your time on this low rent shooter.