Jorden rundt i 80 Dage

  • Outstanding storyline!
  • Marvelous adaptation.
  • Bonus animated screensaver!
Min System request
  • OS : 10.4, 10.5 (recommended)
  • CPU : 1.83GHz
  • Memory : 512

Review for game: Jorden rundt i 80 Dage

Du har kun 80 dage til at sejle jorden rundt. Synes det lyder nemt? Rejs tilbage i tiden til slutningen af det 19. århundrede og bliv klar til spektakulære oplevelser på land, til vands og i luften sammen med den engelske daredevil Phileas Fogg og hans loyale fransk tjener Passepourtout. Brug den unikke chance for at besøge fire kontinenter og fuldstændig utænkeligt rejsen i dette fremragende spil baseret på det klassiske eventyr roman af Jules Verne.

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Gennemgå På Et Glimt
Genre : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

Spil Rank

4686 Point

(views: 1592)

Around the World in 80 Days Image Around the World in 80 Days
4.73 out of 5 based on 74 user ratings
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 sellers In stock
Ages: 3 YEARS & UP

Game Description:

Rejs tilbage i tiden til slutningen af det 19. århundrede og bliv klar til spektakulære oplevelser på land, til vands og i luften.

AFERON - BigFishGames
Around the World in 80 Days game play Around the World in 80 Days game play


Around the World in 80 Days

When thinking about reviewing games, this is the first one that came to mind because it is such a great game and the I love the animated screensaver that comes with it. It is a challenging match three game, but it is not so hard that you can't win it.

Best Match Game!

The graphics are so nice, you will wish there had been more stops around the globe! The only game I have played multiple times and still love it! Maybe an untimed option for newbies would be good but it is fun and challenging.

Endlessly enjoyable

I've played this on 3 computers and have lost track of the number of journeys. Well over 200 at the moment, though. I find it endlessly enjoyable. Responding to previous reviews - rocks can be blown up with 3 of the power tools. And you can avoid losing a life by quitting the game before time runs out. You keep the points you've earned for play up to then. But if you finish Day 81 and don't click thru the final dialog, you don't get credit for the journey (i.e., the journey number doesn't change when you start the game over). I invent new challenges for myself, like seeing how quickly I can finish a level, or how many points I can rack up (anything over 3000 per level is acceptable, but you can get a lot higher). I also find it funny that the screen tells me to "Harry up" rather than "Hurry up" when time is running out.

Great match 3 game

Classic game from a classic book. Game goes on and on. Can do a little learning along the way.

Great Match 3 game!

Great Match 3 game. Plenty of playing time and the levels become more challenging as you progress. Some of the levels require some thought as to how to progress which makes it more entertaining than most Match 3's. The story is a familiar one but the game really doesn't need the story to be entertaining.


For those who love match 3, this is a very pleasant game.

My all time favorite!

I am now on my fifth journey and still find it as fun and challenging as I did when I bought it in 2008. I LOVE this game and never seem to tire of it. I play other games but always go back to this one! Would love to see a couple more games set up as this one is!

Still Playing

First game I purchased in 2008 and still playing. Nothing says it better than that !

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